Be sure to reach out to as soon as possible to secure a spot in this initial round of invitations. Invitations will be sent on a first come, first serve basis, and will be limited due to FRN limitations. Once the initial round has reached capacity, CPSC will begin logging registration requests via a waitlist. Regardless, it is highly recommended that importers reach out as soon as possible to initiate their request to gain access to the Product Registry. 

To receive an invitation to establish a Business Account in the Product Registry, importers can email with:

  1. Company Name
  2. Initial Business Account Administrator’s Name
  3. Initial Business Account Administrator’s Email
  4. Importer of Record Number(s)
  5. Broker Filer Code(s)
  6. Type of Products Imported

Please note that Business Accounts must be created by the importer since they are the certifying party that maintains responsibility for product certification. Once the importer creates an account, they can invite additional users from trade partner organizations to collaborate.

More information about eFiling and the Product Registry can be found on the CPSC webpage at I specifically recommend reviewing the eFiling SOP to understand the roles and permissions within the Product Registry.

Once you get registered and have an invitation, please sign up for a Comply PRO+ plan to automate your filing once your data is in the system and we have been approved and added as your service provider. We are offering a Free Month and special pricing for early filers so please contact us at to sign up or open a conversation using the chat.

Using the CPC/ GCC Generator, you will be able to generate all the digital certificates on a shipment from a purchase order entry of your products with associated citations once you build your product protocols

Schedule a DEMO today to learn how Comply PRO+ can streamline your compliance-related activities. Use the schedule demo on this site and get a Free extra user when you sign up for any regular or custom plan.